Animals imagine what it were like to be human
Good morning, he thought. Sparrow was staring at him through the window, ignorant of his need for privacy. He, immodest, blushed then chuckled then said and waved hi. Getting out of bed was the easy part getting ready for work not since getting ready for work required more work which required more work. Were mundane things worth noting? It depends; mundane descriptions of eating sleeping working shitting were priceless to the prying observer a thousand years in the future yet to us now they are redundant and useless. So the bus arrives early and he notes that happily but with a twinge of sadness knowing that that would not always be the case. Sometimes, Dog weeps and for no good reason. There might be one, but unless he so inclines to tell us we can safely say we don't know. Tears on Dog are odd indeed, and while the rest of us puzzle only the poets and scientists try to find an answer. Both start from different points but almost inevitably reach the same conclusion. Click click g...